• meljoykel@gmail.com
Dear Mom
The Chicken Exit

The Chicken Exit

Dear Mom,

I remember when our summer vacations consisted of amusement parks and water parks.  Standing in long lines just to ride a roller coaster and feel the wind in our hair, and quickly moving to the next long line and next roller coaster.  As a child, I never understood why you didn’t ride with us.  You would patiently wait outside where the line began until we came back screaming with excitement.

It took me many years to figure out why you chose to sit on the sidelines, and it wasn’t until this past week that I experienced that sadness of watching my people peel away on the roller coaster while I stayed back and watched.  Instead of waiting outside, I escorted them through the line, and at the last minute, I used the Chicken Exit.  You know, the exit that some people use when they’ve stood in line because their friends dragged them along and talked them into riding.  And then, it’s there, the moment which you have to climb aboard but you chicken out.

The exit for people like me is similar, but it’s more like the “I can’t ride this or I will puke all over me and everyone around me” exit.  And now I know why you were always a bystander.  I love that you never complained about not being able to ride and instead you patiently waited while we enjoyed all of it.

I didn’t fully appreciate how much you sacrificed for us while we enjoyed the rides.  It must have gotten so boring out there by yourself.  But who knows, maybe you went shopping just long enough to return without us knowing you had moved from that spot under the shade tree 🙂

Amusement parks and roller coasters are just one of the many sacrifices you made for us over the years, and I don’t know if I ever fully thanked you for it.  So thank you!  Thank you for being amazing and for always putting others first.  You set the bar high, but I will do my best to follow in your footsteps!