• meljoykel@gmail.com

Flying Solo

It’s an odd feeling to be the only single person on a group tour of 43 people.  But then again, I should be used to that feeling since it seems like I’m always the odd-man-out.  It’s not that I dislike the feeling, but just something I know well. Going into this trip I knew there was a good chance that […]

My GPS Has a First Name, But It’s Not O-S-C-A-R!

Years ago, I decided my GPS needed a name.  After all, it was easier to yell at it for giving me wrong directions if it had a name.  Am I right?  Surely, I’m not the only one who gives my GPS a name! I thought it would be cool if GPS was her initials.  Yes, “her” because it was defaulted […]

The Wrong Hotel Key

It had been a long day of driving along the coast of Oregon and I still had another hour remaining.  Hotels had very little vacancy, so I pulled over and quickly booked a room online before someone else took the last one. At the check-in counter, the hotel clerk handed me a room key, gave me my room number on […]

Climbing Mountains

Today I climbed a mountain.  Well, not the Mt. Everest kind of mountain.  So maybe more like a hill!  I’ve climbed a lot of hills while hiking, but this one seemed different at first.  There were no trees blocking the view to the top, so from the bottom I could see where the hike led and where it would end. […]

Guess What I Ate?!

Dear Mom, There are so many things I wish I could tell you right now.  I wish I could tell you that I just retired, or that I’m learning to play piano, or that I found a church that I love and I even get to do “video stuff” there.  And I wish I could tell you about all the […]

New Journey: Day 1

Today is the beginning of a new journey, because yesterday I turned in my badge after nearly 23 years at the only company I’ve ever worked for.  But I like to think of it more as a retirement than quitting.  My parents raised me with the values of not quitting on something that you start, and they always made me […]