• meljoykel@gmail.com
Flying Solo

Flying Solo

It’s an odd feeling to be the only single person on a group tour of 43 people.  But then again, I should be used to that feeling since it seems like I’m always the odd-man-out.  It’s not that I dislike the feeling, but just something I know well.

Going into this trip I knew there was a good chance that I would be the only solo traveler, so I was prepped and ready to meet people.  I was willing to get outside of my comfort zone and invite myself into the space of others.  Which is something I hate doing!  But that’s exactly what I did at breakfast the first morning of our tour.  I asked a couple if I could join their table, and that’s when they learned I was traveling alone.  The couple I sat with was impressed (as were most everyone on the tour once they learned I was there alone) that I was traveling by myself.

At the very next meal, this same couple waved me over to sit with them.  It felt SO good to be invited to their table, which meant I didn’t have to feel like I was barging in again.  The quiet side of me that likes to be comfortable would have chosen to stick with this couple (and their 4 friends) for the remainder of the trip, or possibly even sit by myself.  However, my goal was to sit with different groups throughout the trip so I could meet as many of them as possible.  Another morning at breakfast, a different couple walked up to me in the buffet line and told me there was room at their table if I wanted to join them.  So that’s exactly what I did!

This continued to happen throughout the 11-day trip, and every offer I got to sit with someone, I accepted!  It’s exactly what I needed.  Just being around other people was a joy for me.  But being included and invited made my day!

As a single adult, I often get the feeling of being unwanted and excluded.  It doesn’t mean that I AM unwanted or excluded, but sometimes it feels like people don’t want me around because I’d be a 3rd or 5th wheel.  But regardless, I keep pushing through and keep trying to include myself.  And I’m grateful for the fellow travelers on my recent trip who welcomed me to their table!  They will never know just how much it meant to me!