• meljoykel@gmail.com

God’s Divine Appointments

Throughout my life, I have known that God has placed people in my path exactly when I needed them.  Whether it was a friend, a mentor, or even a counselor.  There are many people who could have filled these roles, and He knew the specific ones I needed in every circumstance. Six months ago, I was standing in the house of a […]

Rest and Trust

I recently went through a season of rest.  I had to put my full trust in God because even though it was planned, there were several obstacles that I would need His help with.  The timing of the new season was perfect, and the result was beautiful When I quit my corporate job at the age of 41 to travel […]

In The Waiting

“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.  But let patience have it’s perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”  (James 1:2-4) As a teenager, I could make no-bake cookies like nobody’s business.  But then somewhere along the line, no matter what I […]

What I’ve Learned From Hallmark Movies

If you’ve watched more than one Hallmark movie, then you know they are almost the same and you know the ending is predictable.  Most people probably even say that the movies are unrealistic.  Because after all, how many people can say they found love after spending two days at home for Christmas?  I used to hate watching them, because I […]

My GPS Has a First Name, But It’s Not O-S-C-A-R!

Years ago, I decided my GPS needed a name.  After all, it was easier to yell at it for giving me wrong directions if it had a name.  Am I right?  Surely, I’m not the only one who gives my GPS a name! I thought it would be cool if GPS was her initials.  Yes, “her” because it was defaulted […]

The Wrong Hotel Key

It had been a long day of driving along the coast of Oregon and I still had another hour remaining.  Hotels had very little vacancy, so I pulled over and quickly booked a room online before someone else took the last one. At the check-in counter, the hotel clerk handed me a room key, gave me my room number on […]