• meljoykel@gmail.com

If You Were Here

Dear Mom, If you were here today, we would sit on the deck together and enjoy this Fall weather.  We’d reminisce about the trip we took to the New England states to see the Fall colors (yes, the trip we took without Dad, lol).  We would enjoy the crisp air, watch the leaves from the Walnut trees float to the […]

The Chicken Exit

Dear Mom, I remember when our summer vacations consisted of amusement parks and water parks.  Standing in long lines just to ride a roller coaster and feel the wind in our hair, and quickly moving to the next long line and next roller coaster.  As a child, I never understood why you didn’t ride with us.  You would patiently wait […]

Last Days

Dear Mom, It’s been 7 years since I watched you take your last breath.  It’s an image that will always stick with me.  A vivid image where I literally watched the blood stop flowing through your body. I was in denial throughout your entire battle with cancer, because I knew in my heart you would beat that horrible disease.  With […]

Guess What I Ate?!

Dear Mom, There are so many things I wish I could tell you right now.  I wish I could tell you that I just retired, or that I’m learning to play piano, or that I found a church that I love and I even get to do “video stuff” there.  And I wish I could tell you about all the […]