• meljoykel@gmail.com
Dear Mom
Guess What I Ate?!

Guess What I Ate?!

Dear Mom,

There are so many things I wish I could tell you right now.  I wish I could tell you that I just retired, or that I’m learning to play piano, or that I found a church that I love and I even get to do “video stuff” there.  And I wish I could tell you about all the concerts I’ve gone to, or about my latest road trip, or about running a half marathon, or that I finished a new puzzle, or about sitting on my porch because you loved to do the same thing. And I wish I could introduce you to my new friends that never got to meet you.

Even though I’d love to tell you about all of my big life-changing moments, it’s still the little everyday things I wish I could tell you the most.  Like the simple fact that I like to eat onions now.  Ok, it’s not just onions, but so many foods I didn’t like in the past.  You used to tell me “try it, your taste buds might have changed” whenever I came across a food I didn’t like.  I would just look at you like you were crazy and tell you “no thanks”.  For example, I used to love the smell of your baked beans, but would never eat them because I didn’t like beans.  And I like guacamole so much now that I don’t even remember not liking it.  The only reason I know I didn’t like it at some point is because I used to give you my guacamole anytime it was on my plate.  You loved guacamole, so I was more than happy to let you have it.

Speaking of Mexican food, I used to order fajitas but only eat the chicken.  I started liking the green peppers at some point, and now I even like the onions too.  But wait, you knew that already.  However, it’s only been recently that I started enjoying raw onions.  Every summer, you and I would have turkey sandwiches for lunch and you would try to get me to eat a red onion on my sandwich.  Um, no.  I didn’t want any part of that.  But the day finally came where I like onion on my sandwiches and burgers.  And the first thing I wanted to do when this occurred was pickup the phone to call and tell you.  Oh boy, you would be giving me such a hard time right now if you were here.  And probably saying “I told you so”.

A lot of things have gotten easier with time.  But there are still days I reach for the phone as if you are there to pick it up on the other end. And if you were there, I would boldly tell you that I still don’t like MUSHROOMS!